/ Shop Equipment / Chain Blocks
Product Name :
Chain Blocks 0.5 Ton.-
Product Specification :
Capacity: 0.5 Ton
Standard Lifting Height: 2.5m
Test Load (KN): 6.3
Effort force to Max. Load (N): 231
No. of Chain Falls: 1
Diameter of Load Chain: D6mm
Dimensions: 142x130x142mm
Net Weight: 9kgs
Cross Weight: 9.4kgs
Extra Weight Per Meter of Extra Lift: 1.65kgs
Note :
Electric Hydraulic Pump
*Low amp draw on start up -110V 15Amps
*Fewer moving parts than a gear pump
*Less noise under load - below 80dBA
*More contaminant resistant
*60cu in of flow at 10,000psi. External relief valve adjustable down to 1,000psi.
*Will be available in 1/2
Hydraulic Industrial Toe Jack 25Ton
*Toe Capacity: 25-Ton
*Min~Max Toe Height: 58~273mm
*Min~Max Head Height: 505~720mm
*Max. Lever Force: 40kgs
*Net Weight: 102.0kgs
Hydraulic Industrial Toe Jack 10Ton
*Toe Capacity: 10-Ton
*Min~Max Toe Height: 30~260mm
*Min~Max Head Height: 420~650mm
*Max. Lever Force: 40kgs
*Net Weight: 35.0kgs
Taipei Office:3F. No. 63-1, Sec. 1, Chang-An East Rd.,Taipei, Taiwan (104) R.O.C Tel: +886-2-25212385 (Rep.) Fax: +886-2-25676987
E-Mail: enquiry@jiameei.com.tw
Chia-Yih Factory:No. 5 Chung-Hsin Rd., Chia-Tai Industrial Park, Chia-Yih Hsien Taiwan (612) Tel: +886-5-2371137 (Rep.) Fax: +886-5-2376981
E-Mail: contact@jiameei.com.tw
Shanghai Factory:No. 353, Hsing Nan Rd.,Kao Chiao Pu Tung, Shainghai, Chian P.R.C. Tel: +86-21-50405886 (Rep.) Fax: -86-21-50405117
E-Mail: info@jiameei.com.tw